Mom’s Resurrection Eggs Centerpiece

Waiting for my turn to pop open the plastic egg, safely cradled in my hands, was the hardest part. As a kid, a decorated centerpiece of eggs sat on our breakfast table that told the Easter story. For the 12 days leading up to Easter, my brother and I took turns cracking open an egg... Continue Reading →

10 Tips for the NICU

The first days of life look different for everyone. If you're reading this sitting across from your baby, unable to hold him/her freely because of feeding and breathing tubes, I am so sorry. No matter how long or for what reason you're in the NICU, it's not where you want to be. During Dorothy's week-long NICU stay... Continue Reading →

Empty Bowls

Day 3 Monday (6/1/15) This morning we were pleasantly surprised to find the van and driver parked in the driveway when we walked out the doors at 9:30 AM. With the construction crew headed out to their first work site, we loaded up and headed to La Primera village. As the van rolled off the... Continue Reading →

Feliz Dia de Mama

Basic Trip Logistics: Construction- This group consisted of all the men and two [super] women from our team. Their goal was to build four total houses over the course of the week under the leadership of Joseph (full-time missionary), Moises (local church partner), and Joey (team leader). They each developed specific roles in the construction... Continue Reading →

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