no ‘better day’ than today

Lately, I’ve been waiting for another ‘better’ day…

  • to blog
  • bake that time-consuming bread that I’ve been wanting to try
  • paint and make art
  • cultivate new plants
  • donate the pile of clothes and randoms in the guest bedroom
  • get back into an exercise routine

The list could go on, and on… and trust me, it does. I have multiple notes written on my phone to remind me of the various long and – to-do’s I want to accomplish. Oh, and on the fridge. And in my monthly planner, which one of the to-do’s is to get a new one because I just reached the last week in it… oops.


This needs to stop.

This morning, I was skidding my heels against the  list of ‘laters’, when, instead of waiting, I grabbed the current day, along with the mug of my warm, creamy coffee, and sat at the kitchen table with a blank page in an art pad.

I poked needles through the foil-seal of a set of six watercolor tubes, filled a cup of water, searched Pinterest for some inspiration, and started making.


Just kidding.. this was my inspiration piece (found here)

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.” Philippians 4:8

This scripture has been popping up in a lot of places, especially in the summer women’s Bible study I’m going through called A Woman’s High Calling (I’ll share more on this another time!). I should recite this verse daily hourly. So I picked this print as my inspiration piece! (And it’s just so pretty and happy to look at.)


The next couple hours were therapeutic, as my fingers gently clasped the wooden handle and the brush made its path across the paper, transforming white space into something alive, and purposeful. The end product has flaws and evidence of a novice creator, and I love that that’s okay. The process led me to rejoicing and praise, knowing that I am loved by a God who adopts misfit, imperfect people and calls them to be a part of His beautiful creation.

It’s a beautiful thing– that there are so many venues to worship our creative Lord through.

imageBryce, the little handsome man I babysit on the weekdays, woke up, and we headed off to Lowe’s.

A light-fixture and electric tape were on my list.

I walked out with the tape, two succulents, an Aloe Vera plant, and a pot.


Successful shopping trip!!


I tried to arrange them prettily, like they do in the magazines. I think this plant family likes its new home on the windowsill above the kitchen sink.

Something about plants inside the house is wonderful. Maybe because it’s a way to enjoy nature in the air conditioning, without the 98% humidity that has been hanging over Ruston this week. imageBryce fell asleep in his car seat during the ride home, making it easy to lay him, very carefully and quietly, down for an afternoon nap. The life of a baby…

So I made yummy and healthy salad (win-win!) and enjoyed it with my feet propped up on the coffee table.

Today has been so enjoyable. And it all started because I glanced at my list, pulled out a paint brush, and decided:

Today is my
‘better day’
and yours can be too.

6 thoughts on “no ‘better day’ than today

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  1. You’re so inspiring! I sat and went through John’s pile of college text books that have been sitting next to the couch for a month. I painstakingly put every ISBN in at Chegg (that’s what I was putting off…) and we’re getting rid of 7 of them!! Now I’m about to go find something else that’s waiting for a better day (because… no day like today when I go back to work on MONDAY!)


    1. Thank you! And that’s great! That’s an easy task to put off.. glad it paid off though! I’m inspired me to go through my books now, I’ll add it to my list 😉 Can’t believe you’re already going back- time has flown!


    1. Absolutely, I like your attitude! And I’m so glad, thanks for reading! I just glanced over at your page, and I would have to say YES you are “interesting enough to do this”! 😉 Looking forward to following you!


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