rollin’ out love pie

As you may have observed, today is known as Pi Day, being that it’s March 14th (3/14). In schools, this day is a good one to teach or review with students about circumference, area of circles, and fractions having to do with the pi symbol. Coincidentally, today is also Albert Einstein’s birthday. Today screams “MATH!”, but something else is whispering more desperately, until eventually…

you scream, I scream, we all scream for…



If it’s delicious, it’s no coincidence. It’s fate. And as fate would have it, I just so happened to owe two of Jordan’s co-workers a pie (thankful for men who let him hunt on their lease and use their welding tools!). He took them to work this morning, and luckily there was some extra pie crust to make a few strawberry and pecan-chocolate-chip mini pies for us to enjoy 🙂 Don’t you love it when that happens?


Soaking strawberries in sugar, using your hands to artfully shape dough, the warm oven-air soothing your constantly chilled nose, the aroma of butter and sugar reaching every corner of the home, and seeing satisfied smiles grace the face of beloved friends and family… that is why I love to bake.

It’s therapy. It’s art. It’s love.

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

Hebrews 10:24-15

Last summer, part of the wedding shower in my hometown involved those who attended writing on a rolling-pin, which was then glazed and sealed to become one of my most treasured gifts. Prayers, scripture, wishes, signatures, poems, silly jokes, and encouraging words, all written by those I love so dearly, reminding me of their support, making me smile each time I look at it above the oven, and flatten dough.


Jan Elsom, one of the hostesses, one of my “second moms” (there are several), and the giver of this gift quoted from “The Kinship of Women” to share the meaning behind this gift:

“Any woman who sews, knits, or weaves, knows by the feel that a single thread is weak but the weaving and intertwining with many others makes it strong. A woman alone, without friends and family and faith to sustain her, to nurture and support, like a single thread is weak. But the weaving, the loving of others, the network of friendships makes her strong!”

You are so blessed, who can say “I have a beautiful tapestry of friendships, full of love and support!” The Lord has been good to me, and He is the loving, patient Weaver who brought us all together. This picture is so perfectly illustrated by the markings on this rolling-pin.


“Older women… are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.”

Titus 2:3-5 

Whether you have this kind of reminder in your home or not, I hope you look at the engravings on your heart and in your mind. People will make an impression on you, either positively or negatively. Embrace those who have stretched out a loving hand, spoken a kind word, and shined a light into your life, and never let them go.

And, you never know whose heart your name is engraved upon ❤

>>Now go draw some circles and eat pie!!<<

3 thoughts on “rollin’ out love pie

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  1. I LOVE your rolling pin idea. We were married last summer too and I SO wish I would’ve had this idea for one of my showers! Such a powerful meaning behind such a thoughtful gift. I will surely remember this when putting on showers for my friends. Thanks for sharing!


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