happy happy half-iversary

Today is a special day. Can you guess why?

No, it’s not because I still get to enjoy the Christmas decorations all over our house (I’m not ashamed- let Christmas live on!), but I’ll share a little of the joy for you too on this Monday:


It’s not because I found out I did not fail my biology test last week (a post-Christmas miracle).

What makes today special is that, for the last 6 months, I have been in the most honest, fun,vulnerable, God-glorifying relationship of my life.


Here are just a few reasons why our relationship has been this way:

1. We are continuing to learn about each other DAILY.


It seems like we’ve known each other for our whole lives, but it’s only been about three years since the first day we met (and didn’t become close friends til 7 months after, and then dated after that). That’s a story for another post. But I continually learn about Jordan as we simply live life together. I love learning the details that make him Jordan Kirk, like his favorite (and most worn) shorts and t-shirts, how much peanut butter he likes on his sandwich, and what he dreams about (at night and in life).

2. Honesty is our policy.

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This is a tough one for me! I am not trying to hide anything, but spilling my feelings out has never been in my comfort-zone, especially when there is no prompt too. However, during our relationship, I have made it a goal to be open and honest about what’s going on inside my head and heart, which is a big battle, but has turned out positively every time I’ve opened up.

Before we called our relationship official, we had a very honest, tearful conversation regarding our past relationships, and mistakes that went along with them. I didn’t want to continue dating if he could not accept me 100% for who I am, which involved understanding where I had come from in the past, which by the grace of God, he did 🙂 This helped create a foundation of trust, and of grace- both essentials of a healthy marriage.

3.  Love God more than one another.

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This sounds like an obvious, cliche thing to many Christians, but if I am being honest with myself and with you, it has not been as easy as it sounds. Don’t get me wrong- I love the Lord with all my heart, and hope to glorify Him in every-waking-moment, but sometimes I get distracted from my relationship with Him. With Jordan, we can tangibly hug, laugh at with each other, tell stories, exchange funny faces, sing together, and go on walks. Living with your best friend is a blast, but we can not forget about the Giver of the gifts.

“A chord of three strands is not easily broken” {Ecclesiastes 4:12 }

When I am intentional about speaking with God through prayer, thanking Him for his daily blessings, and reading His word, I am able to love Jordan in a more holy, selfless way. Also, praying and worshiping as a couple has been a very special and intimate time for us to focus on Jesus and less on each other or ourselves.

4. I’ve married my best friend.


I used to think husbands and best friends were in two different categories:

Husbands are men who provide for their family by working hard, and take on a  lot of responsibility. They know how to solve household problems like a running toilet, and fix rickety parts of the fence. They offer a hand in the kitchen, but would rather be watching the evening news. They are spiritual leaders, looking to their wives as faithful partners. In their arms there is safety and comfort, and in their smile: warmth and happiness…


Best friends are those you stay up late in bed talking to, and trying to muzzle laughter so no one else wakes up. They know what bothers you, what makes you happy, and how to make your day. You can tell them anything and they will still love you, even if it takes working through a painful conversation. They can say “you are so weird”, yet you never question their loyalty to stand by your side. You call/text them first when big news comes, and you can trust them to keep a secret safe. They are your biggest fan, and encourage you when you need it most…

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I am blessed to say my husband is my best friend, and we become closer every day.

Now, don’t let me fool you:

We are far from having it ‘all figured out’. 

There are days when it feels really hard and tiring to be a selfless spouse, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. God knows what’s best for you, and He will give you what you need at the appropriate time. Everyone’s story is different, and for me, it was to meet Jordan while at Texas Tech, marry, and move to Louisiana, and trust Him with our unknown future. I wouldn’t want it any other way ❤

I encourage you to pray for your spouse daily, and specifically, whether you are with them already or don’t even know their name yet. God is listening!


So with all that said, happy half-iversary to my husband, my best friend, and my other half! I love you more than I’d imagined possible, and like you a lot too 😉

From my heart,


4 thoughts on “happy happy half-iversary

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    1. You’re so encouraging Jana, thank you! 🙂 I just looked at a few of your posts (even though I’m pretty sure you have a newer blog) and want to go to the farmers market with you!


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